Terms of use
Owner and operator of this website is Mathys Ltd Bettlach headquartered in Switzerland. All information, images and additional content are the property of Mathys Ltd Bettlach. Use of the website is subject to the following conditions:
1. The information published on the website
a) General information
Mathys Ltd Bettlach makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct and up to date. Mathys Ltd, however, assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness or currentness of the content and the website. Use of the content, website or information linked to the website is at the risk of the user.
Mathys Ltd Bettlach reserves the right to make changes and updates to the services and offers described on the website at any time without further notice.
The website of Mathys Ltd Bettlach may contain references (links) to information by third parties that are neither under the control nor the responsibility of Mathys Ltd Bettlach. Mathys Ltd Bettlach accepts no responsibility or liability for this information and does neither endorse nor support its contents.
b) Health information in particular
Mathys Ltd Bettlach has made every effort to present the health information on this website clearly and objectively. Information on different diseases and physical problems as well as their treatment in no way replaces the recommendations of a physician or other medical professional. The information listed on the website may not be used to diagnose health or fitness problems or diseases. Consult your physician for information on treatments which could be relevant to you. The used images (impressions) are not representing a connection between the use of the medical device described, nor its performance.
c) Availability of products and services
The website contains among others information on products which may or may not be available in a certain country or region. They may be available in other countries under different brands and can also be authorised or released in other countries by a regulatory authority for sale or use in various indications and with restrictions. Visitors of the website are informed that information on alternative products and services of other manufacturers and providers may also be available.
2. Usage restrictions
Diverse menu items of this website contain information and documents which are exclusively intended for physicians and other medical professionals. If you are not a physician with a degree in medicine or a medical professional, this information is not intended for you. Accordingly, the content under menu item «physicians» and «products» is not intended for you. You may not be allowed to access the information and product documents contained therein according to the legal regulations of your country.
3. Rights regarding intellectual property
The contents of the website (texts, logos, images, etc.) are protected by intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademark rights, etc.). The visitor is not granted any rights of utilization of this content, and the complete or partial reproduction of the content, downloading, copying, printing, transmitting in a conventional or electronic manner, changing of content and design, establishing an electronic connection or using content for public or commercial purposes requires the prior written consent of Mathys Ltd Bettlach.
4. Disclaimer
The website and its content are made available without guarantee. Mathys Ltd Bettlach expressly excludes –to the extent legally permissible – any liability, in particular the guarantee for marketability, suitability for a specific purpose and non-infringement. Mathys Ltd Bettlach excludes all liability for loss, injury, claims, obligations or damages of any type which result from or are associated with: (1) any errors or omissions from this website and its content, in particular technical inaccuracies and typographic errors; (2) any websites of third party providers or their content which can be accessed directly or indirectly via links to this website, in particular errors or omissions of the same contained therein; (3) the non-availability of the website or parts thereof; (4) use of this website or its content or (5) use of devices or software in connection with the website.
Mathys Ltd Bettlach accepts no liability for loss, injury, claims, obligations or damages of any kind resulting from the use of the website or its content. Mathys Ltd Bettlach is not liable for special, indirect, collateral damage or consequential loss of any kind (in particular legal fees) which incur as a result of or from the use of the website or the content or similar obstacles of use.
5.Changes of the terms and conditions of use
Mathys Ltd Bettlach reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use at any time. Updated versions of the terms and conditions of use are uploaded to this website and come into force immediately. Users are responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions of use on a regular basis. Repeated use of the website after such changes is considered acceptance of such changes.
6. Governing law and disputes
These terms of use are subject to Swiss substantive law to the exclusion of conflict of laws and international treaties. Exclusive venue for any disputes from and in connection with these terms and conditions of use and your use of the website is Solothurn, Switzerland. Claims associated with these terms of use and the use of the website, which arise from consumer protection standards, can be submitted either in Switzerland or in the country of residence of the user. Users with a usual place of living other than Switzerland are also protected by the binding provisions of the law of their country of residence.